
the 3.18 post

i'm back! with stuff!
so after eating a whole pack of these energy mint things yesterday, i went on a rampage doing 6 eye sets and 3 eye makeup variations. i'm uploading most of them today in this post.

damien's new eyes are here too, but even if you dont have him in your game (gasp!), you'll still like them i think. whoever you put them on, just remember that he's seeing through their eyes ;)


damien's eye 318
slave eye 318
underdark eye v2
wither eye v2
eye makeup 318


now, this seems like common sense. but i'm just going to say it just in case you havent realized, because i'm obsessed with the way eyes and eyelids look on my characters:

 ***be careful of too much editing of the eyes in facegen. it distorts the eye shape and messes up your character's look.***

case and point, here are Damien's new eyes lol.

download Damien's eyes - http://www.mediafire.com/?6eqrq6sm6yr723c

here's the new slave eye. tell me what you think, i'm thinking i might need to reposition them. they look just a little off on the eye mesh.

download Slave eyes- http://www.mediafire.com/?tl41jysg21z9b15

remember my old underdark eyes?

download Underdark eyes- http://www.mediafire.com/?78goqh2llga5bc2

and an even older eye set, the wither eyes! i like this new version much better though. they're very much like the new underdark eyes, don't you think?

download Wither eyes- http://www.mediafire.com/?87e8i8r7gb1dqi2

lastly here's some makeup contained in a psd. beatify your eyelids!

download the makeup- http://www.mediafire.com/?sdl6ge1drj3r9l6

the skins you see pictured in the wither and underdark SS will be released soon.
and with that, i conclude the 3.18 post.



  1. Wow! Can I borrow some of those energy mints Dustin? If they can help you make a good work like this in such a short time I definitely want some!!!

  2. HoneyVanityMarch 20, 2012

    This is all incredibly amazing. I'm especially curious about the race featured on the wither eye's pic.

    You are a wizard!

  3. Aww, another fantastic work from you. I do not know from where you get all these ideas for new races and eyes. I envy you the creativity and talent.
    I love the look of the Underdark Eyes. Will we get a beautiful drow race fits for them? ^.^

  4. yeah! such lovely eyes <3 my favourite is Slave eye pack ;] these are so fine on YOU, making you look euphoric and desperate. you're so beautiful.

  5. you guys are my inspiration, you know <3

  6. Mmh I have a problem with the first link, it lead to the eye makeup download, not to Damien's new eyes...

  7. Hey the link is fixed now! Thank you.

  8. Thank you for fixing it, Max!

  9. thanks max, wow i feel stupid XD
